Technical Publications
Parts Information Management
Access to accurate parts information is mission-critical and can affect multiple aspects of equipment operations including maintenance, inventory management, purchasing and procurement. GGS supports OEMs in the creation, management and publication of interactive 3D parts catalogs with e-Commerce and procurement solutions aiding real time inventory management.
We also provide innovative image mapping technology for parts identification which helps in web / computer based learning. Our state-of-the-art collision estimation manuals help to estimate parts during vehicle impact through complete tear down and rebuild with which the accounting activities such as synchronization of sales, service and warranty claims management can become hassle free for OEMs.
Electronic Parts Catalog &
Parts Ordering
Collision Estimation
Flat Rate
Service Information Management
Our team of technical writers, domain experts and graphic designers transform vital technical information into user centric information. We use 3D and 2D graphical data to create illustrations / animations that makes the technical documents user-friendly and increases end-user’s satisfaction towards the product.
Providing support to service operators in all major languages through comprehensive repair and maintenance procedures and updating them with Technical Service Bulletins to solve recurring problems, electro hydraulic schematic diagrams with diagnostic procedures in compatible readable formats.
Operator / User / Owner’s Manual
Repair / Service / Maintenance Manual
Translation & Literature
Technical Service
Training Information Management
Our experts in instructional design and multimedia production can create customized e-Learning content as per your requirement or re-furbish your existing content and align to your learning objective in user friendly manner. We interact with you continually to build e-Learning modules that meet up to your company standards and add value to the learning process of your participants.
Providing parts and services training through electronic interactive training manuals to facilitate operators with easy parts navigation and gain an intuitive understanding of the product’s working procedure. TIM solutions facilitates manufacturers and suppliers to effectively train their operators on service procedures and diagnosing the faults with corrective action in an efficient way.
Interactive Electronic Training Manual
Driver Training
Animation Based
Video Manual
Diagnostics Information Management
GGS creates vehicle diagnostics solutions for several transportation OEMs. We deliver customized engineering services coupled with proven software components that help you make your diagnostics processes more efficient. Both OEMs and automotive dealerships use our diagnostics fault trees every day to trace out the faults in vehicle electronics, software and hardware. The fault trees and procedures created by us contains both text and graphics to guide the technician through the troubleshooting process. Our goal is to support technicians to trace out the faults in an easy and efficient way.
Electronic Trouble Shooting Manual
Repair / Replace Guided Diagnostics
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality
Training process, disassembly and assembly procedures, understanding of repair and maintenance activities have become much more efficient and cost effective through our guided AR, VR and MR based applications. Our immersive interactive guided applications can assist and provide step-by-step real time maintenance tasks to low skilled technician anywhere around the globe. With these new technologies in place, OEMs can reduce the costs involved to train the technicians and the trainers around the globe.
Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
Mixed Reality